Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Have You Been Blessed Today?

Did you know you could be blessed by talking to another person who is moved by the teachings of the word of God? It's true! My friend, Renee and I had a conversation with a co-worker who is also our friend named Vincent, 21. Today we learned that he is a born again Christian and one with many gifts which he credits to the Lord for his life being turned around. I was especially blessed to have talked with him because he spends his time working with the youth through his many talents, including music and art. He uses his gifts to teach youth about God, reading the bible and shares scriptures with them. He never leaves home without reading the bible and praying. It was a reminder of how God can lead us where we should be in our lives, and that it is up to us to go there and be thankful that God has lead us. And it is a reminder that God is real and as we keep our lives in in hands, and give him praise, the blessings are many.

You will never see a frown on his face because he walks and talks with God on a dail basis and tries to live biblically everyday as best he can. To date he has lead three young people to God and gives God the glory, rather than crediting himself. As a youth pastor, he tells his youth group that they should be conscience of what they say and how they say it, and that their sins find themselves back to them. He enjoys poetry, music, art, christian griffiti and using his talents to talk to the youth in a language they can understand.

If we look at how our youth are being brought up in today's society, it's frightening to see the path that so many of them are heading. And the question becomes what do we do to intervene before it's too late to get through to them.

Having said that, I have been inspired to begin work on poetry book number three, "Walk With Me." But don't look for it for another two years. It's going to be a book in the making after my first novel.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Book, "Sins of a Poet"

Ok, everybody, here comes another book of poetry. This book is by far one of the edgiest books I've written with, what some have said are, eyebrow-raising, thought provoking poems. It's just me flipping the switch on poems I have used to writting, coming from the "hopeless romantic" person, to a person coming out of a shell. I wanted to do something different.

In comparison to, One Voice, A Thousand Words of Music, this next book I can say is going to blow the first book out of the water. Not just in the poems itself, but the overall look of the book. Writing this book is definitely a challenge because it meant getting away from the lovey-dovey type poems, and getting into the nitty gritty of reality and growing up as a woman and as a mother. Looking at life in a different perspective and not taking love for granted, but for what it is, and realizing it's not about fun and games and that you don't get everything handed to you on a silver platter. Face it, there those harsh realities that we all have to face at one time or another.

How this book will actually be embraced once it hits the streets? I honestly can't say. It's not even finished, yet, and I am already nervous...but in a good way. With that said, the poem already posted on this blog is just a taste of poems to come. Look for other sneak previews!

Joining New Communities in 2008

Well, as I move forward in 2008, I am continuously on the look out for new poetry communities where I can share my work and be free to express my self in a creative flow. One community I recently joined is called Poets for Human Rights. So far I have had one response to be added to a member's page. I hope others will be just a kind and add me in this community.

This is just the beginning of what is to come with my poetry. Stay tuned because I am on a roll!